Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well, its Thanksgiving week and we were suppose to go to Hawaii but Sarah got a part or better yet several parts in the Choir production that landed on the week of Thanksgiving. Our Hawaii tickets got changed out so that Sarah could perform. We are now in Provo instead of Hawaii....which is totally different but it should be more relaxing. We were suppose to leave at 10 pm after Sarah finished but mom forget her make up so we had to turn around and get her make up. We then followed Diane to Cedar and continued on to Provo. We got just past Beaver when I woke mom and dad to see if we had the keys for the townhouse. Well, no one seemed to have grabbed the keys so we turned around to go back to Beaver to get keys from Chuck. It was about 3am Utah time and he came and met us at the gas station with them. We then continued on to Provo. I got into bed about 6am Utah time after driving the whole night while everyone else slept. I love driving at night. People are less annoying!! Anyways thought I would do a brief blog. Still trying to learn about what to actually post ha ha. Well, Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hello, This is my first blog. Liz has been bugging me to start one. So I decided to start one at the worst time. I should be doing homework but I really don't want to do. I have had no work for five days because the doctor I work for had surgery so Mom and I have spent everyday either setting up Christmas or going to all the different sales that are going. The tree is done!!!!!!! But the garland is only half done...sadly. I love Christmas and everything but it just takes way too long to set up Christmas in this house! Well, I have officially written my first blog! And now I have to try and do homework! Lucky me!!!